The Fright Factory is based on Lillian's horror fiction-oriented columns for Speculations magazine, an excellent publication for writers that ran from 1995-2006. Inside is advice on setting, suspense, monsters good, bad, and otherwise, and lots more useful information for anyone wanting to write effectively in this increasingly popular genre.
Lillian asked me to follow up on my far gentler cover and interior design with something appropriately chilling. Borrowing the type color and positioning to carry over the branding from the Spellbook's cover, my task was to create quite a different atmosphere for this book. After a few rounds of design prototypes, we settled on emphasizing the "fright" aspect with the cover above. Writer's Spellbook

The Fright Factory is available from today on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com.au, and all Amazon stores, and will appear soon at other e-book outlets. If you're interested in the horror genre, you'll want to check it out.